Write things down
Trying to remember things in our head just creates stress, disorder and chaos. The actual acting of Writing things down enables a higher level of thinking, and therefore, more focused action. When your brain isn't busy remembering everything, your brain can then process anything. It's when you're not overwhelmed that you become free to rational, prioritoise and create order.
Create a Routine
When you create routines or habits they just become second nature and you don’t even have to think about them. This helps you to automatically stay organised. There are few best selling books on the importance of habit and routine which have sold millions of copies which just proves how important routines and habits . Creating habits can literally change your life. That’s why we have made our latest addition to the Business Planner, POSITIVE HABITS, a habit tracker that to helps you incorporate positive habits into your everyday life
Make Schedules & Deadlines
When you start planning and scheduling and creating deadlines you can be so much more productive. By blocking your time for specific tasks you see your available time realistically and stop trying to cram so many things in which can creates panic and overwhelm. Scheduling will help you to stay focused and help stop you from multi-tasking. You can only do one thing properly at one time. you can find a guide on How to use Time-Blocking to Double your Productivity here
Use a planner
Using a planner will immediately create order in your life. You can write everything down and plan everything.
Don’t procrastinate
We all do it, well 95% of us do at some time in our lives. It’s often the most important tasks that we tend to put off but also the ones that are going to make a major difference. Procrastinating causes worry and overwhelm. To overcome this just write your task down in your planner and give it a deadline. Imagine the freedom you will feel when you have completed it. If you really are still struggling give yourself a reward for completing the task. Most of all don’t beat yourself up. You are not alone, we all have things we don’t enjoy doing.
Here is a guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
Have a place for everything
When you have a place for everything has a place. Make sure you put everything away after you have used it.
Declutter regularly
This is a real challenge for some people but not having cupboards and drawers full of stuff that hasn’t been used for years is so liberating and so less confusing. There are so many charity shops and also opportunities online for making a few dollars to sell your stuff online.
Do a weekly online shop
I used to pop to the shop nearly once every day or even twice. Since a started doing my shopping online I save so much time. It helps me to think ahead and meal prep and it also saves me loads of money too as I don’t tend to waste it. This really has been a game-changer and a huge time saver.
There are so many benefits to journaling but one of the main ones is the decluttering of your mind. We all have so many thoughts spinning on our heads, writing them down every day helps to declutter our minds and feel more centred and more organised.
To help you get organized you can download a full PDF of the 2021 Planner Download Weekly Planner