“Creating a client management system has really helped me automate my onboarding process so my clients know that they are fully supported from the very beginning of working with me” Leslie Cason
By streamlining those standard elements of your client management process (contracts, invoicing, forms, etc.), you can save a huge amount of time and make onboarding your client a breeze. It allows you to get your client's project started immediately after the sales call (instead of hours or days later) and shows her that your business is serious and that she made the right choice in working with you. A good CMS allows your business to scale without the growing pains that come with taking on more clients without a sturdy infrastructure.
Todays tip in our series #365BizTips is brought to us by Leslie Cason. Leslie is the owner of Endeavor Virtual Management, a virtual assistance and online business management firm for consultants and coaches. EVM offers assistance at every stage of business: startup, growing and steady 6 and 7 figures.
@iamlesliecason Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamlesliecason/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamlesliecason/
If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks again!
Leslie CasonOwner, Endeavor Virtual Management
Blog: https://lesliecason.com/Endeavor: https://theendeavorfirm.com