Your level of success, happiness and the quality of your life is directly correlated to how you use these three resources.
These three resources have the power to get you what you want and where you want. Once you know how to use them to your best advantage you’ll be unstoppable.
You could have all the money in the world but still if you don’t know how to use these resources you could still be unfulfilled or unhappy.
So what are they?
Time is the most valuable resource you have. It can not be saved, accumulated, it’s not renewable and neither can it be stopped. Once it passes it’s gone forever and can never be recuperated.
And yet people still waste it and let it pass without doing the things they want or dream of. They look at some magical time in the future as if one day the planets are suddenly going to align and it will be the right time to start a new business, pastime or activity. Or they repeatedly tell themselves they don't have time. Not stopping to think that if they don't have the time, then what are they spending it on that's ultimately stopping them from living their best life.
Imagine! Just finding an hour a week by for example, getting up an hour earlier, this could find you an extra week over a year. Finding an hour a day is like finding a whopping 365 hours which over a year is like finding 7 whole working weeks.
There are many things you can do to find an extra hour here or there. Just start thinking about how you could find yourself some extra time. What would you need to stop doing to change?
We'll be covering some ideas in next weeks post.
The lesson here. Think and plan how you are going to spend your most valuable resource, YOUR TIME. DO it NOW! You can't afford to waste another minute.
Of all the things that will transform the quality of your life, improving the ability to manage your attention is at the top of that list along with how you spend your time.
I love this definition because it sums up the meaning and importance of attention.
Attention; The ability to actively process specific information in the environment while tuning out other details.
Every day, we are being bombarded by things that are competing for our attention. Whether social media, television, news or advertising it seems we are constantly under attack from the rings and dings of distraction. Ultimately if we are not careful these things are taking us away from our higher purpose.
This is how to make the most of your attention
1.) Avoid distraction. Do everything you can to protect yourself from anything that may take your attention. Ask yourself why you are scrolling through someone else's newsfeed? Isn't your life more important?
Learn to become especially aware of anything that is stealing your attention.
2.) Intentionally manage what you pay attention to. Know your priorities and ruthlessly stick to them. Remember to plan how you are going to spend your attention on the things you enjoy as well.
You can have all the time in the world but if you are feeling tired, lethargic, unwell or unmotivated then your productivity, attention and focus is going to suffer too.
Successful people build energy and focus to make every minute count. They also know when they are most productive and plan their days accordingly.
And don’t forget you also need the energy to enjoy your downtime too. It's no good if you expending all your energy on work only to find you are ready to collapse in a big heap when you could be spending quality time with your family, friends or favourite pursuit.
There are numerous things you can do to increase your energy levels including;
Increasing your sleep, meditation, taking regular breaks, exercise, staying hydrated. You can also conserve your mental energy by trying to avoid any sort of negativity.
Your time, energy, and attention are the most valuable resources you have. You can use these resources to make more money or to start a new pursuit or hobby. And don't forget there is no better time to start living your best life and using these three resources than right now.
What distractions do you think you could reduce and what do you want to pay attention to?
Is there anything you can do to improve your energy?