Why is Consistency so hard? How to up your consistent game.

Why Consistency is so hard?

"I saw this quote the other day and it got me thinking: Ideas are easy. Execution is hard. Consistency is harder.

The quote was originally from Guy Kawasaki, but the sentence ‘Consistency is harder’ had been added."

Consistency is often touted as the key to success, yet it remains one of the biggest challenges for many entrepreneurs, creatives, and professionals. So why is it so difficult to maintain consistency, even when we know it's so important for achieving our goals?


1. The Allure of New Ideas 
Ideas are exciting. They bring a sense of novelty and possibility. When inspiration strikes, it’s easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of a new project. However, the initial excitement often fades, and what’s left is the hard work of execution. Moving from idea to execution requires sustained effort, and this is where many people falter.

2. The Grind of Execution 
Executing a plan requires discipline and perseverance. It’s easy to start strong, but maintaining that momentum over the long haul is a different story. The daily grind can be monotonous and exhausting. Setbacks and obstacles can further dampen our enthusiasm, making it harder to stay committed.

3. The Challenge of Building Habits 
Consistency is essentially about building habits. Habits are formed through repeated actions, but forming a habit takes time and effort. It’s easy to fall back into old, comfortable routines, especially when the new habit requires significant changes to our daily lives.

4. External Distractions 
In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere. Social media, emails, meetings, and other demands on our time can easily derail our focus. Staying consistent requires a concerted effort to minimise distractions and stay focused on our priorities. 

5. The Fear of Failure 
Consistency requires vulnerability. It means showing up every day, even when we’re not sure of the outcome. The fear of failure can be paralysing, making it easier to avoid taking consistent action. Overcoming this fear requires a mindset shift and a willingness to embrace failure as part of the learning process.

6. Energy 

Consistency in productivity is heavily influenced by our energy levels. Unlike robots, our energy fluctuates throughout the day due to factors like sleep, nutrition, and stress. During low-energy periods, maintaining high productivity becomes challenging, leading to slower task completion and reduced quality. By recognising these natural cycles and planning tasks around peak energy times, we can optimise productivity and maintain consistency.

7. Lack of Immediate Rewards 
Consistency often lacks immediate gratification. The results of our consistent efforts may not be visible right away, which can be demotivating. In a world where we’re used to instant results, the delayed rewards of consistency can be hard to appreciate.

Tips for Improving Consistency:

Having a Good Plan 
Whether it’s a content plan, a business strategy, or a personal development roadmap, having a well-thought-out plan can make a huge difference. A clear plan provides direction, keeps you focused, and helps you track your progress. It also makes it easier to stay consistent because you know exactly what steps you need to take next.

Tracking Habits: Habits are not just about taking your vitamins and exercise. You can also track the tasks you have to do on a daily basis in your business. Your habit tracker is a great place to stay on top of things you need to do on a daily basis.

Set Clear Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

Create a Routine: Establishing a daily routine helps build habits and reduces the need for willpower.

Minimise Distractions: Identify your biggest distractions and find ways to minimise them.

Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a friend or mentor who can help keep you accountable.

Celebrate Small Wins: Recognise and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Plan Ahead: Develop a detailed plan that outlines your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. This reduces uncertainty and keeps you on track.

 Consistency is challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding, especially when you start to see the results. It's helpful to remember that you're not alone; maintaining consistency is a struggle for most people. Understanding this can be comforting and motivating.

By recognizing the obstacles and developing strategies to overcome them, we can stay the course and achieve our long-term goals. Remember, each step forward, no matter how small, is progress. Stay committed, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve over time. 

Keep pushing forward and know that the effort you put in today lays the foundation for tomorrow's success.